The last two years have had dramatic effects on the food and beverage industry. From complete lockdowns to mask mandates to limited capacities and in some areas, vaccine mandates, proprietors have gone through unprecedented challenges. Yet through it all, new opportunities have been created.
According to Scott Clarkson, Food and Beverage Specialist with the Analox Group, challenges create opportunity. “Many establishments around the world were closed or limited for six to nine months, some even longer. Forward thinking business owners used this time to improve and enhance their facilities. We found that many took the time to evaluate both their front of house and back of house operations. This included upgrading their gas monitoring systems or in some cases, installing CO2 Safety Monitors for the very first time.”
Clarkson points out that many of these establishments started reviewing their CO2 systems PRIOR to many local jurisdictions and municipalities requiring the installation of such devices. As local officials worked to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, use of CO2 monitors was strongly encouraged. Cambridge University research has shown that effective CO2 monitoring may be an effective tool towards the prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
“The proper monitoring of CO2 in the hospitality industry has always been a priority,” he explains. “The COVID-19 pandemic helped underscore this need and prompt additional actions by members of the food and beverage community.”
Proper use of gas monitoring equipment isn’t just a priority for customers in food and beverage establishments. It’s also a priority for staff and employees working in these facilities. Many firms have chosen to also focus on the safety and protection of employees. As staffing issues continue to be a challenge worldwide, establishments that can show this added level of commitment to employee safety have an advantage in attracting quality employees.
“It certainly makes a difference to job applicants when a potential employer can show them their gas monitoring systems and outline the safety protocols established,” Clarkson said.
The Analox Group has a wide range of gas monitoring solutions for the food and beverage industry. This includes the industry-leading AX60+ monitor that can simultaneously monitor multiple gases including O2 and CO2 to provide an added level of confidence and security in any hospitality environment.