Analox People – PPE for our Hero’s
Author: Michelle Wilson
Offline Marketing Manager and Customer Experience Champion
Date of publication: 22.10.20
One of the big headlines to come out at the start of COVID was the lack of ventilators in hospitals and personal protective equipment (PPE) to NHS staff and key workers.
Fortunately Analox were able to assist in the ventilator production by supplying a suitable oxygen sensor for ventilators up and down the country.
But in true Analox fashion, some of the team knew that they could do even more to help out and as face shields were in high demand to protect our key workers and NHS staff, PPE 4 Our Heroes was born!

Face shield production
The Team!
Tom (Production Engineering Manager) operated 3D printers at home and at Analox.
Tom (Embedded Software Engineer) bought and set up a 3D printer at home so that he could help.
Devon (Products Lead) cleared his workflow so his home 3D printers could be of use.
Jamie (Senior Project Manager) started raising donations from friends and family.
Vicky (Sales and Strategy Director, Defence) and Jamie went in search of companies in need of PPE who were unable to get anything through the ordinary supply chains.
Incredibly, over 600 masks were made and delivered to more than 24 beneficiaries, including the Air Ambulance, the Hambleton Ambulance team and care homes across the region.
Between them, Vicky and Jamie raised an astonishing £1343 in donations which paid for the materials used in face shield production.

Laura, East Cleveland District Nurse
But, all good things must come to an end. As mass PPE production started to meet the needs of the nation the team’s services were no longer needed and eventually they drew down and stopped production. This meant that the team had some money left over from their donations, in fact, there was just over £500! The remaining funds have recently been donated to St. Michael’s Hospice, Help For Heroes, North Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Zoe’s Place.
At the most challenging time for the nation, the team were proud that they were able to band together and help our local heroes.
Want to join this fantastic team? View our current list of job opportunities here.