In 1983, the Grampian MS Therapy Center (GMSTC) opened its doors to improve the quality of life with people who live with multiple sclerosis (MS). Over the years the center has grown and now treats other conditions such as fibromyalgia, cancer, burns and sports injuries.
It is one of more than 60 centers across the country that offers vital services including oxygen therapy, reflexology, physiotherapy and massage.
The center has recently been working with Aquanox, a specialist in Air, Saturation and Nitrox Diving Systems, and Analox in getting an Analox Safe-Ox+ oxygen depletion unit fitted, so we had a little chat with GMSTC and Aquanox to understand the need for the unit and why they chose to work with Analox.
I am the center manager of GMSTC. We are a small charity based in Dyce, Aberdeen. We operate a Baro-chamber for MS sufferers and other conditions.
The center opened an oxygen therapy room a few years ago for people with claustrophobia issues. We put in place an Analox to monitor O2 levels in the room.
We initially bought the unit through another supplier and needed the gas analyzer servicing. After we didn’t hear from the initial supplier we contacted Aquanox, as we have worked with them in the past. Aquanox is assisting us in making sure the Analox unit is working correctly.
Our initial supplier recommended you as a company and the Analox Safe-Ox+ analyzer as the best solution for our specific needs. We were happy to accept the recommendation.
The analyzer does what it is supposed to do as a safety device, the alarm goes off when there is too much oxygen in the room which is what we require.
Kris Main from Aquanox is now working with The Grampian MS Center ensuring that the Analox Safe-Ox+ is working correctly, we find out a little more on how this came about.
Eileen and the Center got my contact details from an email I had sent to them, when I first started my own business. They had asked if I could come and look at doing some recertification for them on some depth/pressure gauges and pressure relief valves.
As they are a charity, I said that I would do this free of charge to them and try to help them as much as I can. At that point Eileen mentioned they needed assistance with the Analox Safe-Ox+, so I said I would try to help and contacted Matt at your HQ.
I’m aiming to attend the site after normal working hours to help them and make sure they don’t have to cancel any appointments or lose any potential revenue.
I previously worked as Senior Dive Technician/Supervisor for Subsea 7 on their Diving Support Vessels for 20 years and have had experience with a few of your products although it was mostly assisting the electrical technicians.
I was introduced to Matt Lambert when I was helping another client who is building Oxygen Therapy chambers for a side business he has. They were looking at incorporating an Analox analyzer into the software.
Thanks to Eileen and Kris for the insight into the operations and support needed for the Grampian MS Therapy Center.
For more information on oxygen treatments offered by the Grampian MS Therapy Center visit:
Visit to understand how Aquanox can assist you.
To discuss your chamber analysis requirements please contact the sales teams or got to the contact page on our website to send an inquiry.